mardi, juin 19, 2007


A bat is a mammal in the order Chiroptera. Their most distinguishing feature is that their forelimbs are developed as wings, making them the only mammals in the world naturally capable of flight (though other mammals, such as flying squirrels and gliding flying possums, can glide for limited distances).

Bats are closely associated with vampires, who are said to be able to shapeshift into bats, fog, or wolves. Bats are also a symbol of ghosts, death, and disease.

samedi, juin 09, 2007


程序1 通知家屬:邀請家屬盡快到院。

程序2 家屬到院:安排接見醫生,由醫生正式通知家屬病人經己辭世。

程序3 安慰家屬:家屬可能會情緒激動,需從旁安慰和照顧。

程序4 觀看遺容:護士把死者身上一切急救和醫療設備移除後,把屍體清理整潔理妥當,若雙眼不能自然,合上、用暖水棉花慢慢把眼皮合上,然後用被單覆蓋遺體,敫請家屬觀看遺容。然後把死者嘅遺物包括飾物、假牙等歸還家屬及簽收。

程序5 遺體料理:預備物品-消毒劑、棉球、膠鉗、繃帶、屍籤、屍單等。

程序6 預備環境,員工服裝:拉上屏風以尊重死者,穿上保護袍,手套,口罩或面罩。

程序7 施行步驟:除去死者衣服;用消毒劑棉球塞進死者各腔穴(男:鼻孔、耳孔、口、肛門;女:鼻孔、耳孔、口、肛門、陰道);有其他外科傷口,用紗布蓋好,用繃帶扎托下頜;穿上屍袍;用繃帶把手固定在身体兩旁,腳就綁在一起(這是避免在搬運時手腳伸出引至折斷),把屍籤固定在腳跟,再用屍單包裹屍體;釘上屍籤;蓋上被單並拉好屏風;通知殮房員工用運屍車搬到殮房。

程序8 辦理事項:通知家屬接領遺體,和何處申辦死亡証。

程序9 善後清潔:清潔及消毒所有用品-床、被舖;重新舖床。

dimanche, juin 03, 2007


Serpent is a word of Latin origin (serpens, serpentis) that is commonly used in a specifically mythic or religious context, signifying a snake that is to be regarded not as a mundane natural phenomenon nor as an object of scientific zoology, but as the bearer of some symbolic value.

The serpent is one of the oldest and most widespread mythological symbols.

In some instances, serpents serve as positive symbols with whom it is possible to identify or to sympathize; in other instances, serpents serve as negative symbols, representing opponents or antagonists of figures or principles with which it is possible to identify. Serpents also appear as ambivalent figures, neither wholly positive nor wholly negative in valence.

vendredi, juin 01, 2007


A potion (from latin potionis, meaning beverage, potion, poison) is a drinkable medicine or poison.

In legend a potion is a concoction used to heal, bewitch or poison people, made by a magician, sorcerer or witch.

Creation of potions of different kinds was a common practice of alchemy.In modern fantasy, potions are often used as spells in liquid form. Commonly fantasy uses for potions are healing, amnesia, transformation, love spells, invisibility, and invulnerability.

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